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You Have Been Injured in a
Truck Accident

800 210-0000

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Truck accidents are complicated, and the injuries sustained far more serious than car accidents. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), most deaths in large truck crashes (67%) are passenger vehicle occupants.

A “big rig” tractor trailer or semi-truck can weigh more than 30,000 pounds, which means your passenger car is no match —the average passenger vehicle weighs only around 4,000 pounds. Aside from the weight factor, the driver in a large commercial truck is usually riding high up in the cab, while the driver of the car is much lower to the ground and more vulnerable to injury.

Legal Fighters personal injury attorneys understand the crushing impact a truck accident injury can have on your life and the lives of your family. We have the skills, experience, and resources required to fight unresponsive negligent individuals and their insurance companies.

If you have been injured in a truck accident, it is important to realize you are not alone. California ranked second to Texas in truck accident injuries in 2022 with 2,675.

Claim Justice, Like They Did

$1.5 Million
Elder Neglect
$1.2 Million
Wrongful Death
Dependant Abuse
$1.5 Million
Dependent Neglect & Wrongful Death

Legal Fighters Represents All Types of Truck Accident Injuries

Truck Accident Lawyers

Our personal injury lawyers have experience in managing truck accident claims involving the full range of injuries including traumatic brain injuries, neck/back/spinal cord injuries, amputation, seatbelt/airbag damage, broken bones, excessive burns, internal and abdominal injuries, as well as lacerations and cuts.

In short, we have seen it all. While your truck accident injury may be a once-in-a lifetime event for you, Legal Fighters attorneys have been there and done that.

We Protect Your Most Valuable Asset Today; Your Recovery

Physical Injury

Brain Damage

Financial loss & mental distress

Causes of Truck Accidents

The most common causes of truck accidents are:

Your Initial Post Accident To Do List

Determining Who Is at Fault

Trucks and other commercial vehicles are unique because several parties are engaged in their maintenance and operation. This contrasts with traditional car accidents, which only have one accountable party—the car’s owner.

In a truck accident the truck driver, the trucking company, the truck manufacturer, the loaders of truck cargo, or you can be at fault in an accident. In a fault state like California, insurance companies play a significant role in determining fault and liability in vehicle accidents. The insurance companies will investigate and determine who was at fault for the accident, based on police reports, witness statements, and other evidence.

In a truck accident the truck driver, the trucking company, the truck manufacturer, the loaders of truck cargo, or you can be at fault in an accident. In a fault state like California, insurance companies play a significant role in determining fault and liability in vehicle accidents. The insurance companies will investigate and determine who was at fault for the accident, based on police reports, witness statements, and other evidence.

Your Post Accident Concerns

Thanks to our 20 years of experience in over 6,000 cases, we understand your concerns and are well prepared to address them, including:

Key Reasons You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer

Legal Figthers Personal Injury Lawyers In California - Our Mission? Maximum Payout

A Mistake That Could Cost You Thousands

Truck accident victims are often persuaded to try to obtain a quick settlement directly from the insurance companies or the trucking company, without the help of a lawyer. This can be a significant error in judgement that could cost you thousands of dollars in benefits!

It is important to note the insurance companies and trucking firms are not on your side. Their goal is to settle for as little as possible. A single wrong word or oversight in your interactions with them can lead to your claim being significantly reduced or even completely denied.

Legal Fighters attorneys know exactly how to handle the insurance companies and position you to receive maximum compensation for your injuries. Our Legal Fighters will maximize your settlement by determining all damages, including economic and non-economic losses including:

Your Potential Compensation

Navigating the complexities of a truck accident lawsuit in California demands the support of a skilled truck accident lawyer. What may seem to be a minor accident can quickly become extremely expensive. Truck accident injuries can take months, even years, to fully heal, while lost wages and other expenses continue to mount.

Truck accident settlements for minor injuries range from $25,000 to $100,000. Moderate       truck accident settlements can range from $100,000 to $500,000 with severe topping $500,000 to $1,000,000+.

Factors impacting your settlement amount include the severity of your injuries, the liability determination, the insurance policy limits, the medical expenses incurred, lost wages, as well as the pain and suffering you experience.

Legal Fighters will make sure your settlement includes both specific and general damages.
At Legal Fighters, we have recovered over $2.5 billion in damages for our injured clients.

Time Is of the Essence

Just like delaying action to treat a medical condition can have a negative impact, so too can procrastinating about the injury you suffered in a truck accident. Delayed shock symptoms are common.

It is common to feel minor aches and pain immediately after an accident, and it is also not unusual for pain symptoms to develop days or even weeks after a collision. For example, you may notice soreness in your neck or shoulders, start to have abdominal pain, or get headaches hours or days after the accident.

Chest pain, difficulty breathing, or shortness of breath should be red flags following an accident. They could be an indication of chest injuries, internal injuries, rib fractures, or a punctured lung. You should not disregard breathing impairments and pursue medical attention promptly to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment.

Emotional and Cognitive Symptoms: Anxiety, depression, mood swings, or memory issues are also common.

In addition to being the equivalent of a ticking time bomb for your health, injuries with delayed symptoms can also make it more difficult to obtain compensation for your accident. Unlike a broken arm or leg which is treated immediately, if you start to experience headaches days after the accident, an insurance company can point to the delay in time and argue that something else may have happened in the interim to cause your headaches. By contacting an attorney immediately after the incident, you protect yourself against experiencing delayed symptoms.

Why Choose Legal Fighters?

Our personal injury attorneys have over twenty years of experience with $2.5 Billion recovered on 6,000+ cases retained and closed. We have been Rated Best – by people like you. Not only will we schedule your doctor’s visits for you, but we will also make the necessary transportation arrangements. And, in addition to handling your payments, we will assist you in negotiating and paying your expenses.

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legal fighters best lawyers for personal injury car accident lawyers

If you are wondering whether you have a compelling case for compensation against another driver or an insurance company because of a truck accident, we can review the facts and help you understand your rights and options under the law. Call Legal Fighters for a free evaluation and consultation!

Truck Accident Lawyers

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